Financial Assistance is Available
At Ray County Hospital and Healthcare, we are eager to help those in our community who qualify for financial assistance from us. Below are three documents for you to view or print and complete if you feel that you may qualify for assistance. These documents are made available to every person admitted, be they an in-patient or an out-patient, but we want anyone else in our community to be able to understand our policy as well, so we’ve made them available here. If you have any questions about this policy, please call 816-470-5432 and ask for Lisa Conley.
- Financial Assistance Policy
- Financial Assistance Policy – Plain Language Summary
- Financial Assistance Application
- Verification of Non Filing Form
- Collection Policy 2015
Documentos en Español.
- Política de asistencia financiera
- Política de asistencia financiera: resumen en lenguaje sencillo
- Solicitud de Asistencia Financiera
- Verificación del formulario de no presentación
- Política de cobro 2015
The full policies for Financial Assistance and Collections are available upon request. You may pick them up here at Ray County Hospital and Healthcare or request a pdf be sent to you via e-mail. Please call Ray County Hospital and Healthcare at 816-470-5432, Ext. 528.